Saturday, July 7, 2012

Naturally Speaking

I am one of the most unassuming people ever. I could be a little bit delusional. When I look in the mirror I see someone who wears a size 12 and has a facial deformity. I am really actually skinny and pretty. I am 5'7 and my face is a 6.77 on the symmetrical on the golden ratio scale. The golden ratio is the mathematical equation for perfection. 4 is average. 7 is a knockout. So some might say I am cute or attractive. Once I realized that I was cute it all went down hill from there. I'm a hostess at restaurant and a day does not go by that I don't flirt with someone or get hit on. I don't do it on purpose it just happens. I just talk to the opposite sex in a very flirty way. I have been told many times that I have a huge flirty smile. I don't even realize that I smile flirty when I am doing it. Once boys started to notice me I never really had to work at it. I've never had anyone tell me to kiss differently. No one taught me to grind. I just rode a dick without thinking about it. I didn't even think the first time I was on top. My friend who doesn't know any of this always tells me boys came naturally for me. I am beginning to agree with her. I have Friends who have had to work on things like flirting or kissing but not me. I am not sure why it came so natural for me but it didn't. It took me months to learn how to ride a bike. I still haven't mastered roller blading. But the day I started with boys I picked it up. Maybe some people are natural lovers just like some people are natural basket ball players or painters. I'd never call myself of expert on doing stuff but whenever I've done anything with a guy for the first time, it just happened to go smoothly. I didn't even realize what I was doing.

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