1. Never start smoking. Sure one cigarette won't kill you and you probably won't get hooked. Smoking just one cigarette turns into 'only smoking when your drunk.' Don't put them in your body. Don't get cancer and don't get wrinkles.
2. You are going to get your heart broken. Nothing lasts forever. The guy you like will blow you off. Your best friend won't want to be your friend anymore. It's not going to be easy, and all you can do is learn to do is to move on and start over. Time and emotional replacement -- like a new crush or a new friend help the most.
3. Once you cross a line you can't go back. Once you lose your virginity you can't get it back. And chances are once you do something once it will be less of a big deal to do it again. Know your limits and what you are comfortable with and don't back down for anyone.
4.Know yourself. love yourself. respect yourself. People who love themselves usually have the most successful relationships. If you don't love yourself you will throw yourself around. How can someone love you if you don't love yourself? Respect yourself and people will respect you. Knowing yourself is a process but you are going to be in relationship with yourself for the rest of your life.
5.Inner beauty trumps outer beauty. ALWAYS. Nothing is more attractive than a a friendly, sincere person. Enthusiasm and personable goes a long way. No one wants to be around a pretty asshole. Be a person that other people want to be around. Smiles and laughs should be more important than what kind of foundation you are wearing. I always think to myself if I was going to be abducted in the target parking lot tomorrow how would my friends and family describe me to the world in interviews?
6. No one likes someone who needy. If you constantly find yourself attacking someone or begging for reassurance you need to stop the relationship and gain a little self confidence. Never make a relationship your entire life.
7. Life doesn't stop for anyone. We're all on this crazy train of life that goes 500 mph. Life goes by very quickly and you don't get a redo. Don't linger in the past look where you are headed next There is no reverse. Think before you speak. love and laugh often. Drink up and don't think just feel. Do what pleases you and don't give a damn about anyone else. Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't fear anything. Don't be afraid to change your mind or go after what you want the most.
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